Course Overview
Our L.A Stepladder and Stools for Users training course is suitable for users of stepladders and step stools in places like shops, offices, schools, libraries and the healthcare sector. The Ladder Association Stepladder and Step Stools for Users Course delivers a minimum of 4 hours of instruction and is designed to instruct up to a maximum of 8 delegates, providing training for infrequent users wanting to equip themselves with the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to use step ladders and step stools legally and safely.
Written with the guidance from the UK's leading experts on ladder manufacture, maintenance and safety, the Ladder Association scheme addresses all the issues raised by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and, more recently, the Work and Height Regulations 2005.
Under the regulations every person in the chain leading up to, and including, the final user, has a duty of care to both themselves and others to know and understand the practical implications of working safety at height. Demonstration of competence is a key requirement of the new regulations and successful completion of the L.A Stepladder and Stools Training Course provides proof of such competence.
This course consists of a training room lecture, DVD presentation, written assessment, practical training and assessment.