Kentec News : What are the benefits of a trained workforce? Kentec News : What are the benefits of a trained workforce?



What are the benefits of a trained workforce?

As a training company, we are often faced with questions such as "Why do my staff need training on ladders?" or "Do my staff really need training on how to pick up a box?"

Well the answer is yes! Training can help to improve the competency of staff and research has shown that empowered and well trained staff can be the reason behind a company succeeding. For legal reasons, training is normally a necessity, but there are so many more reasons why you should invest in your workforce. Here we examine the top five reasons why investment is essential to every organisation;

  1. Safety - Every organisation wants happy employees, but more importantly, they want safe ones. Employees lacking in knowledge and skill are much more likely to have or cause an accident in the workplace. With many things, prevention is always better than a cure! Training helps to reduce the likelihood of human error and helps to create a safety culture where individuals feel responsible for both their own health and safety, as well as others'. 
  2. Morale - When staff feel valued and empowered within their role, they are more likely to work harder. Staff retention will increase, eliminating business costs such as additional recruitment, on-boarding and training. When morale is high, fewer mistakes are made and employees are more confident in their role. A better workplace culture also encourages suggestions from staff which may help the overall business run smoother or at a lesser cost.
  3. Productivity - Good quality and consistent training means better processes within a business. Employees who feel empowered and respected are more likely to share knowledge and suggest improvements from their field of expertise, helping to improve the business. Employees who are trained, educated and informed will make fewer mistakes and produce much greater results. Confidence is greater among the team, and quality is higher leading to higher job satisfaction.  
  4. Stay ahead of competitors - In today's business world, it is imperative that organisations do everything they can to 'stay ahead of the game'. Having an trained and educated workforce will allow your organisation to move forward and remain competitive. This can be through the knowledge of industry changes and the latest technology changes. Having a positive workforce will also help attract talent when the time to expand occurs. 
  5. Value - Well trained, competent employees can become a real asset to an organisation. They make it easier for internal promotion as they have complete knowledge of your organisation, whilst also reducing recruitment costs. If training and development are reinforced in an organisation, employees will have much more of an incentive to learn, participate and put their new skills into practice. 

There are many ways in which to train your workforce, from toolbox talks from a competent person to formally accredited qualifications carried out either in your workplace or at a training center, there is training to suit everyone. Many organisations are now beginning to see the importance of training and investing in their workforce and how it can help create a better safety culture.